A third competitor is a technology developed by Cisco, called Dynamic Packet Transport ( DPT). 第三个竞争对手是思科公司开发的技术,叫做动态包传输(DPT)。
T-MPLS Network Survivability Technology on Carrier Packet Transport Network 电信级分组传送网T-MPLS网络生存性技术
New Generation Broadband Wireless Communication System Originated Packet Transport Network 面向新一代宽带无线通信系统的分组传送技术
In the evolution of the optical transport network to the packet transport network, one of the main concerns of the operators is the interworking between networks. 在光传送网向分组传送网演进的过程中,网络之间的互联互通是运营商关心的主要问题之一。
The requirements of IP-based services bring a new generation technology of Optical Transport Network ( OTN), which named packet transport networks. 业务IP化触发了新一代光传送网&分组传送网的兴起,业务IP化对光传送网提出了更大带宽传送、更加灵活组网等新挑战。
Networking and Evolution for Packet Transport Network Based on T-MPLS Technology 基于T-MPLS分组传送网的组网和演进
The IP header includes the source IP address where the packet originates, destination IP address where the packet is going, the transport protocol initiating the request. IP数据头包括数据包产生地的主机IP地址,数据包即将前往的目的地IP地址,以及发出请求的传输协议。
Packet Transport Network ( PTN) technology includes the Transport Multi-Protocol Label Switching ( T-MPLS) and Provider Backbone Transmission ( PBT). 分组传送网(PTN)技术包括传送多协议标签交换(T-MPLS)和运营商骨干传送(PBT)。
Analysis of the Performance of Dynamic Packet Transport ( DPT) Technology 动态分组传输技术(DPT)性能分析
Resilient packet ring to city-wide transport 面向城域传输的弹性分组环技术
Research on the Techniques of IP Packet Transport in UTRAN Group Statistics 基于IP的UTRAN分组传送技术研究
This paper study on the fundamental problems of packet transport network, such as right objects processed by the transport network, the general disciplines of packets handling, presented the requirements of packet transport network for its unique architecture. 本文从分析现有传送技术所面临的挑战入手,研究和分析了分组传送网应有的处理对象和相应的处理原则等核心问题,进而指出了分组传送网体系架构对下一代传送新技术的要求。
Trend of New Technologies for Packet Transport Network of Next Generation 下一代分组传送网的新技术发展走向
The Packet Data Transport on the Low Voltage power Lines Based on the Spread Spectrum Modem 基于扩频Modem及低压电力线路的分组数据传输技术
MSR-based Packet Multi-services Ethernet Transport Platform 基于MSR的分组多业务以太网传送平台
A simple cellular automata model for packet transport in the Internet 互联网络数据包传输的一种简单元胞自动机模型
MSR has lower cost and is an effective way of packet based multi-services transport and renting, it is needed by carrier if they has voice/ data/ video tributary services for rent at the same network platform. MSR成本较低,而且在同一网络平台上提供语音、数据和视频等支路业务需要这样的功能,它是目前基于分组的城域网多业务传送和出租的有效方法。
T-MPLS Packet Transport Technology T-MPLS分组传送技术
Circuit emulation and synchronization of Resilient Packet Transport 弹性分组环的电路仿真和时钟同步
T-MPLS is a connection-oriented packet transport technology based on MPLS. It provides an integrated transport solution for all traffic types in the next generation transport network. T-MPLS是一种基于MPLS的面向连接的分组传送技术,它为下一代传送网提供了一种统一的全业务解决方案。
Packet transport network is a kind of connection-oriented and packet-based multi-service transmission technology, which has a good capability of carrying multi-service and the ability to operation, administration and maintenance. 分组传送网是一种面向连接的、基于分组交换的多业务传送技术,能够提供高效的多业务承载能力以及具有强大的操作管理维护能力。
Experiments indicates that the mechanism proposed in this paper works well on improving indexing speed, reducing startup delay, reducing missing packet rate and improving transport speed. 实验表明,本文所提出的机制在提高索引速度、减少启动延迟、降低丢包率以及提高传输速度方面都有较好的效果。
For the efficient and stable transmission and playback of Flash in the mobile network, several key technologies of mobile Flash streaming media is studied in this paper, including packet encapsulation strategies, Transport protocol, Congestion control, the rate of smoothing and so on. 为了保证Flash在移动网络中高效稳定地传输播放,本文主要对移动Flash流媒体关键技术进行研究,包括分组封装策略、传输协议、拥塞控制以及率平滑等。
Behavior based detection methods, which do not use port numbers or packet content but the transport layer statistical characteristics to identify P2P nodes, are current research focus. 而基于行为的检测方法,不是通过端口号或数据包内容,而是通过传输层统计特征识别P2P节点,是当前研究的热点。
The research and development work of this paper mainly includes the following several parts: First, introduce the generation of Carrier Ethernet and the key technical point of it. Enhanced Ethernet and packet transport network both have the characteristics of Carrier Ethernet. 下面介绍本文所做的主要工作:一、介绍电信级以太网的产生及关键技术点,增强型的以太网和分组传送网络都具备电信级以太网的特点。
The data bandwidth in Packet Transport Network ( PTN) between two nodes has been up to1Gbit/ s, and the support to traditional TDM services is indispensable. 随着以太网技术发展,分组交换网中两个传输节点间的数据带宽如今已经达到1Gbit/s,并且该网络需要对传统TDM业务支持。
The rigid pipe of traditional SDH/ MSTP platform is no longer able to meet the needs of the high-speed and large-bandwidth new business, the introduction of Packet Transport Network ( PTN) makes the metropolitan transport network improve easily. 现有的SDH/MSTP平台的刚性管道已不能够满足高速率、大带宽的新型业务的传送需求,分组传送网PTN技术的使用为城域传送网注入了新的活力。
With the exponential growth of data services in the network, the traditional electric power communication network with SDH technology-based needs to evolve to packet-switched network. The introduction of Packet Transport Network ( PTN) will make the transport technology improve easily. 随着电力通信网中数据业务的急剧增加,传统的以SDH技术为基础的电力承载网需要向分组交换网络演进,分组传送网技术(PTN)的引入使得传送网技术焕发出新的活力。
Based on Multi-Service Transport Platform of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy technology, The technology of Packet Transport Network is developed. On a certain extent, Packet Transport Network provides functions of carrier-class packet service delivery. The development prospects and important position of Packet Transport Network is self-evident. 分组传输网的技术基础是同步数字传输体系的多业务传送平台技术,在某种意义上具有传送电信级别业务的功能,有十分重要的地位,发展前景广阔。
T-MPLS is a connection-oriented packet transport technology, in transport network, customers 'signal will be mapped into the MPLS frame and use MPLS mechanism ( such as label switching, label stack) to forward, while it increases basic functions in transport layer. T-MPLS是一种面向连接的分组传送技术,在传送网络中,将客户信号映射进MPLS帧并利用MPLS机制(例如标签交换、标签堆栈)进行转发,同时它增加传送层的基本功能。